When Fools Collide #1340

When Fools Collide #1340
A Toronto cyclist has brought down three cyclists in a crash after following another cyclist too closely leading up to a stop sign. Geoff Baird says the incident, while not serious, confirms a secret most cyclists know to be true but they remain defiantly in denial regardless. Namely, the most common danger to a cyclist is not the motor vehicle, but another cyclist. He says the research is very clear on the matter.

Talk about bad timing.  This young man put his hand up to indicate something  but he did it at precisely the wrong time.  It’s not quite clear what he was trying to signal.  In front of him was a rider who decided to jam the brakes leading into a stop sign.  And he jammed them HARD.  The young bloke did something which isn’t easy to do,  even if you’re trying.  He lined up his front tyre exactly with the rear tyre of the guy in front,  and over the hangers he went,  bringing down three riders in total.

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